2021 Highlights
Key achievements
JSC FPC’s corporate quality management system successfully passed an inspection for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 — Quality Management Systems. Requirements, and the current certificate was re-confirmed.
Two significant property complexes were sold at an electronic public auction: the Moscow and St. Petersburg Railway Agencies — the Company generated revenues of RUB 1.7 billion, excluding VAT. These transactions are the largest in the entire period of the JSC FPC Non-Core Asset Disposal Programme.
In order to develop women’s leadership within the Company, the Women’s Club of JSC FPC continues to operate. This project won the Parent Company’s Best Practices in Working with Young People project competition and was accepted as the basis for scaling up in the main shareholder. For its results in 2021, the project was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the CEO — Chairman of the Executive Board of the Parent Company.
Together with the primary trade union organisation — the Russian Trade Union of Railway Personnel and Transport Construction Workers of JSC FPC — the Company held its first Young Leader School to develop the level of corporate competencies and conscious trade union membership among young people.
The Zhemchuzhina Kavkaza (Pearl of the Caucasus) tourist train won the Made in Russia competition in the category Across Russia with Love.
Public regulation and reforms
With the entry into force of Government Decree No 875 dated 9 June 2021, it was established that in 2021 Russian families would receive a preferential fare for family travel in second-class sleeping carriages with four-berth compartments of long-distance trains of all categories. The fare was calculated as the difference between the current cost of a ticket and 50% of the third-class open sleeping carriages fare at a given route.
On 1 September 2021, new Rules for the Provision of Railway Transportation Services of Passengers, Cargo, Luggage and Cargo-Luggage for Personal, Family, Household and Other Needs Not Related to Entrepreneurial Activities approved by Resolution No. 810 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27 May 2021 came into effect, regulating relations between carriers and individuals — passengers, consignors (forwarders) and consignees (destinees).
Since July 2021, JSC FPC has been a member of the Association of Passenger Transportation, Service, Tourism, Railway Engineering and Technology Market Participants ‘Zheldorrazvitie’ and the Union of Transportation Companies of Russia. The main goals and tasks of these organisations include promoting effective implementation of state policy in the field of railway transport, achieving a balance of interests of all participants in the railway market and organising cooperation between the transport business and the state.
Sales of travel documents for intermodal services organised by Autonomous Non-Profit Establishment Unified Transport Directorate were launched for the following routes:
- From Mineralnye Vody railway station to the resorts of Elbrus (by road)
- From Nevinnomyssk railway station to the settlements of Dombay and Romantic (by road)
- Within the Kemerovo Region (by road)
Business development
The Regulations on the System of Key Performance Indicators for the Purposes of Bonus Payment to JSC FPC Managers were approved — those Regulations are one of the mechanisms for implementing the goals of JSC FPC’s Development Strategy 2030.
JSC FPC’s Development Strategy until 2025 was approved.
Methodological Recommendations on Corruption Risk Management in JSC FPC were developed and approved.
New tools for assessing the corporate competencies of personnel were introduced to provide conditions for employee self-development and improving the quality of management decisions at JSC FPC.
In April 2021 a pilot project was launched in a test format to introduce a new catering concept for long-distance passengers in four trains: No. 23/24 Kazan — Moscow, No. 103/104 Moscow — Adler, No. 1/2 Volgograd — Moscow and No. 25/26 Moscow — Voronezh.
JSC FPC introduced an intelligent system for handling passenger enquiries. The solution ensured the automation of the entire passenger handling cycle, including the routing of orders and documents to the employees in charge.
On 30 April 2021, Lastochka electric trains (comprising 10 carriages formed by JSC FPC) No 717/718 and No 721/722 started running between Moscow and Minsk. It is a year-round day-to-day route with passengers boarding/alighting at Minsk and Orsha stations (in Belarus) and Smolensk and Vyazma (in the Russian Federation). In 2021, Lastochka high-speed trains carried 366,061 passengers at the direct connection: Moscow — Minsk — Moscow.
In 2021, JSC FPC offered passengers exciting journeys around Russia by new tourist trains. Cruise trains and weekend trains on more than 20 routes were launched during the year.
More than 30 marketing promotions using promo codes were launched, aimed at encouraging passengers to travel by rail, increasing the number of participants in the loyalty programme as well as expanding the customer base that left their consent to receive information and promotional mailings.
By the end of the first 10 months of 2021, over 53,000 tickets worth RUB 93.8 million had been purchased using promo codes.
Today, the Business Pass e-card can be purchased for the Moscow — Nizhny Novgorod Strizh trains, as well as for all trains running between Moscow and Cheboksary, Moscow and Petrozavodsk, and Moscow and Saint Petersburg (for all trains or for double-deckers only). In total, in 2021 more than one thousand Business Passe e-cards were purchased to cover 11,000 journeys worth RUB 17.5 million.
New fare solutions are offered to passengers.
- If a passenger has a birthday, he or she and up to three accompanying persons can get
a ten per cent discount in all train types during the seven days before and after the birthday. As at 27 December, more than 1 million tickets worth RUB 2.1 billion were purchased. - The range of non-refundable fares was extended: in the last compartment on all domestic trains, there is a 25% discount to the fares in second-class sleeping carriages with four-berth compartments, provided there is no refundable fare. The promotion was valid until 23 December 2021. During the campaign period, 62,700 tickets were purchased for a total of
RUB 180.7 million. - As at 23 April 2021, the Parent Company restored the perpetual right of participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War and their accompanying persons to travel free of charge by long-distance trains.
- If a passenger has a birthday, he or she and up to three accompanying persons can get
- On 10 August 2021, passengers with group I disability who are members of the Loyalty Programme and their accompanying persons will be entitled to discounted tickets not only in first-class sleeping carriages with two-berth compartments but in second-class sleeping carriages with four-berth compartments as well.
The e-ticketing website was integrated with the Federal Register of Disabled Persons, allowing e-tickets to be issued to disabled passengers for specialised seats.
Booking e-tickets for citizens of privileged categories travelling by long-distance trains under electronic coupons issued by the Russian Social Insurance Fund and in line with the preferences granted by the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region were made available on the website.
Appropriate measures were taken to introduce a new fare plan for passengers with group I disability and their accompanying persons who are participants in the Loyalty Programme, and to implement programmed verification of the simultaneous issuance and return of travel documents issued under the new fare plan.
Boarding on a train through submission of a passenger identification document was organised, thus eliminating the need to submit a ticket.
68 double-deckers of 2020 series with a children’s compartment were delivered to JSC FPC. A special feature of the young passengers’ compartment is the brightly coloured interior.